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"Tsumami-zaiku hair accessories" to match the hakama

This is the beginning of the baby hakama.

I would be happy if you could enjoy coordinating with the hakama with the "Tsumami-zaiku" hair accessories that are carefully made one by one.

Can be used by small babies at the beginning of eating (100th day celebration) [hair band type]

hair band type

Click here for the "hair band type" that can be easily worn by children who have not yet grown hair, such as when visiting a shrine or eating at the beginning of a meal, or by children with short hair.

Tsumami work hair band Star anise ¥ 2,970 (tax included)

Tsumami-zaiku hair band Hanamomo ¥2,970 (tax included)

Tsumami craft hair band Umekomachi ¥ 2,970 (tax included)

Tsumami work hair band Hydrangea ¥ 2,970 (tax included)

One point for bundling hair ❤️ Recommended for girls [clip type]

Hair accessory clip type

Here is the "clip type" recommended for girls who have grown long hair and can do the long-awaited buns.

Tsumami Craft Hair Clip Hydrangea ¥2,970 (tax included)

Tsumamizaiku Hair Clip Ume Ribbon ¥1,760 (tax included)